Pēdējās publikācijas


1.     Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2023). Functioning of the Model of Constructive Mediation. Rural Environment. Education. Personality., 16(2661–5207), 159–177. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2023.16.018

2.     Портере В. (2021) Значение диалога в медиации. IX Starptautiskā jauno pētnieku un studentu zinātniski praktiskā konference “Izaicinājumu un iespēju laiks: problēmas, risinājumi, perspektīvas” lpp.170-175 https://bsa.edu.lv/wp-content/docs/science/book/conference_20211305.pdf

3.     Портере В. (2021) Акмеология в медиации Internet Scientific Practical Journal ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOLOGY, ст 54-61 https://oppl.ru/up/files/vypuski-antologii/antologiya-spect-vypusk-iun21.pdf

4.     Portere, V., & Baiba Briede, M. J. ; (2021). The Meaning of Constructivist Approach in Mediation and the Role of the Mediator. ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY, 14, 7–8. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2021.14.032.

5.     Portere V. TRAINING IN MEDIATION: APPLICATION ON THE COMMUNICATION MODEL. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 6(0), 2021, pp.172–184. DOI: 10.17770/sie2021vol6.634

6.     Portere, V., & Morevs, V. (2020b). DIALOGUE IS A SIGN OF CONSTRUCTIVENESS IN MEDIATION. RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2020, 35, 296–302. DOI: 10.22616/rrd.26.2020.04

7.     Portere, V., & Morevs, V. (2020a). Constructivism in Mediation. In ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY (Vol. 13, pp. 258–265). DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2020.031

8.     Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2019b). Importance of Dialogue Nature in the Mediator’s Competence. ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY, 12, 146–151. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2019.018

9.     Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2019a). Conflict management models in the context of constructivism in mediation. In Research for Rural Development (Vol. 2, pp. 260–267). DOI: 10.22616/rrd.25.2019.078







Conflict management models in the context of constructivism in mediation. Autori Portere,V. & Briede, B. In research for rural development, 146.-151.lpp., 2019. https:llufb.llu.lv

Importance of dialogue nature in the mediator’s competence.


Autori Portere, V., & Briede, B. Environment. education. Personality, 260267.,

2019. www2.llu.v



Dialogue is a sign of constructiveness in mediation. Autori Portere,V., &


Morevs,V. In research for rural development, 296–302., 2020.





Citas pulikācijas 


Mediācija nav meditācija. Mediācija ir iespēja konflikta risinājumam ārpus tiesas.   Autore: Eva Branta-Nellemann, Mediatore, sabiedrisko attiecību, komunikācijas un uzņēmējdarbības vadības speciāliste, ActusQ SIA. www.juristavards.lv














Viktorija Portere

Viktorija Portere

Sertificēts Mediators,
zvērināts advokāts,
sertificēts psihologs

Mob. tālr. +371 29221053





  • Pēdējās publikācijas


    1.     Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2023). Functioning of the Model of Constructive Mediation. Rural Environment. Education. Personality., 16(2661–5207), 159–177. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2023.16.018

    2.     Портере В. (2021) Значение диалога в медиации. IX Starptautiskā jauno pētnieku un studentu zinātniski praktiskā konference “Izaicinājumu un iespēju laiks: problēmas, risinājumi, perspektīvas” lpp.170-175 https://bsa.edu.lv/wp-content/docs/science/book/conference_20211305.pdf

    3.     Портере В. (2021) Акмеология в медиации Internet Scientific Practical Journal ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOLOGY, ст 54-61 https://oppl.ru/up/files/vypuski-antologii/antologiya-spect-vypusk-iun21.pdf

    4.     Portere, V., & Baiba Briede, M. J. ; (2021). The Meaning of Constructivist Approach in Mediation and the Role of the Mediator. ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY, 14, 7–8. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2021.14.032.

    5.     Portere V. TRAINING IN MEDIATION: APPLICATION ON THE COMMUNICATION MODEL. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 6(0), 2021, pp.172–184. DOI: 10.17770/sie2021vol6.634

    6.     Portere, V., & Morevs, V. (2020b). DIALOGUE IS A SIGN OF CONSTRUCTIVENESS IN MEDIATION. RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2020, 35, 296–302. DOI: 10.22616/rrd.26.2020.04

    7.     Portere, V., & Morevs, V. (2020a). Constructivism in Mediation. In ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY (Vol. 13, pp. 258–265). DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2020.031

    8.     Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2019b). Importance of Dialogue Nature in the Mediator’s Competence. ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY, 12, 146–151. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2019.018

    9.     Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2019a). Conflict management models in the context of constructivism in mediation. In Research for Rural Development (Vol. 2, pp. 260–267). DOI: 10.22616/rrd.25.2019.078







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