Viktorija Portere, Communication in Mediation, 2024-11-01, Acta Prosperitates, journal article.
Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2023). Functioning of the Model of Constructive Mediation. Rural Environment. Education. Personality., 16(2661–5207), 159–177. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2023.16.018
Портере В.(2021) Значение диалога в медиации. BSA University of applied science XI Starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference “Izaicinājumu un iespēju laiks: problēmas, risinājumi, perspektīvas". lpp 170-175.
Портере В. (2021) Акмеология в медиации Internet Scientific Practical Journal ANTHOLOGY OF RUSSIAN PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOLOGY, ст 54-61
Portere, V., & Baiba Briede, M. J. ; (2021). The Meaning of Constructivist Approach in Mediation and the Role of the Mediator. ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY, 14, 7–8. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2021.14.032.
Portere V. TRAINING IN MEDIATION: APPLICATION ON THE COMMUNICATION MODEL. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, 6(0), 2021, pp.172–184. DOI: 10.17770/sie2021vol6.634
Portere, V., & Morevs, V. (2020b). DIALOGUE IS A SIGN OF CONSTRUCTIVENESS IN MEDIATION. RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT 2020, 35, 296–302. DOI: 10.22616/rrd.26.2020.04
Portere, V., & Morevs, V. (2020a). Constructivism in Mediation. In ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY (Vol. 13, pp. 258–265). DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2020.031
Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2019b). Importance of Dialogue Nature in the Mediator’s Competence. ENVIRONMENT. EDUCATION. PERSONALITY, 12, 146–151. DOI: 10.22616/REEP.2019.018
Portere, V., & Briede, B. (2019a). Conflict management models in the context of constructivism in mediation. In Research for Rural Development (Vol. 2, pp. 260–267). DOI: 10.22616/rrd.25.2019.078